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The Life of a Sophomore

Papers, books and pencils too

Why is there always so much to do?

Exams on Thursday, paper due Friday

Can somebody give me a break or two?

Every time I test, I need to be the best

A+, A+, A+, D-, not good enough!

What's wrong with me, somebody give me a melody

To remember the rhymes of my everyday symphony.

I can't let any of the high school drama get to me

I only have one chance and I need to make it the best for me

Scholarships, where are my scholarships, can I get a chance?

Most of these colleges won't even give me a glance

But I am determined to do what's right for me

And show everyone around me what I could be

I'll show most people that they should have made the time for me

And I'll use my sophomore year to make my high school symphony

Written By BlueRose Yordan

Published in the

"Eloquence 2015 Poetry Collection"

The America Library of Poetry


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